Course: Mastering Stress Management
Text lesson

Practical Exercise

Exercise 1: Stress Identification 

  • Objective: To help participants identify different stressors in their lives. 

  • Instructions: 

  1. Distribute a Stress Identification Worksheet (see below) to each participant. 

  1. Ask participants to list at least five stressors they have encountered recently. 

  1. After they have listed their stressors, encourage them to categorize each stressor as either “work-related,” “personal,” or “health-related.” 

  1. Have participants share their stressors and categories with a partner or in a group discussion. 

Exercise 2: Stress Response Role Play 

  • Objective: To understand the physiological and emotional responses to stress. 

  • Instructions: 

  1. Divide participants into pairs or small groups. 

  1. Provide scenarios that elicit stress responses (e.g., a tight deadline, a difficult conversation). 

  1. In each pair or group, one person will act as the stressor, and the other will act as the individual experiencing stress. 

  1. Have the participants role-play the scenario, paying attention to how the individual experiencing stress responds both physically and emotionally. 

  1. After the role-play, ask participants to discuss what they observed and how they felt during the exercise. 

Worksheet: Stress Identification Understanding Stress: Identifying Your Stressors 

Name: ______________________________ 

Date: ______________________________ 

Instructions: List at least five stressors you have encountered recently. Then, categorize each stressor as “work-related,” “personal,” or “health-related.” 






1. __________________________________ 




2. __________________________________ 




3. __________________________________ 




4. __________________________________ 




5. __________________________________ 



Discussion Questions: 

  1. Were you surprised by the variety of stressors in your life? 

  1. Did you notice any patterns in the categories (work-related, personal, health-related) of your stressors? 

  1. How do you think identifying and categorizing stressors can help in managing stress? 

This worksheet and the accompanying exercises will help participants in Module 1 gain a better understanding of stress and its various sources in their lives. It also encourages self-reflection and discussion among participants, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.