Course: Mastering Stress Management
Text lesson

Practical Exercise

Module 2: Identifying Your Stressors – Exercises and Worksheet 

Exercise 1: Stressor Identification (Self-Reflection) 

  • Take 15-20 minutes to reflect on your own life and identify potential stressors in various areas such as work, family, relationships, health, and personal life. 

  • Write down the stressors you identify and briefly describe each one. 

  • Rate the stressors on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being minimally stressful and 10 being extremely stressful. 

  • Consider how often these stressors occur and how they impact your daily life. 

Exercise 2: Stress Diary (Daily Journaling) 

  • For the next seven days, keep a stress diary. At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on and document the following: 

  • Any significant stressors you encountered during the day. 

  • Your emotional and physical reactions to these stressors. 

  • How you attempted to cope with or manage these stressors. 

Worksheet: Identifying Your Stressors Please use this worksheet to record your responses to the exercises and gain a better understanding of the stressors in your life. 

Name: _______________________________ 
Date: _______________________________ 

Exercise 1: Stressor Identification 

  1. List Potential Stressors: 

  • [Control]Work-related stressors: 

  • [Control]Family-related stressors: 

  • [Control]Relationship-related stressors: 

  • [Control]Health-related stressors: 

  • [Control]Personal life stressors: 

  1. Rate Stressors (1-10): 

  • Work-related stressors: _______ 

  • Family-related stressors: _______ 

  • Relationship-related stressors: _______ 

  • Health-related stressors: _______ 

  • Personal life stressors: _______ 

  1. Frequency of Occurrence: 

  • Work-related stressors: _______ (daily, weekly, monthly, rarely) 

  • Family-related stressors: _______ (daily, weekly, monthly, rarely) 

  • Relationship-related stressors: _______ (daily, weekly, monthly, rarely) 

  • Health-related stressors: _______ (daily, weekly, monthly, rarely) 

  • Personal life stressors: _______ (daily, weekly, monthly, rarely) 

Exercise 2: Stress Diary (Daily Journaling) 

For the next seven days, complete the following for each day: 

Day 1 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 2 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 3 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 4 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 5 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 6 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Day 7 – Date: _______________ 

  • Stressors encountered: 

  • Emotional and physical reactions: 

  • Coping strategies used: 

Conclusion: Understanding and identifying your stressors is a crucial step in effective stress management. By completing these exercises and reflecting on your stressors, you can develop a clearer picture of the challenges you face and begin to explore strategies for managing them more effectively.